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Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 09:18
by Wollychop
This is posted in order to control rumor, dispel untruths and uphold the owner's intent of running an honest forum.

Bottom line up front.

Ryan J Herle, who went by the moniker "Medula Oblongata", misrepresented himself for years on this forum. He lied repeatedly about topics ranging from his birthday to his military service. He fabricated a history for himself, creating a persona older and more qualified than he actually was, while at the same time attacking others for doing the same. A "Critical mass" of conflicting lies was reached and it finally drove some to dig a little deeper. When this came to the attention of the forum staff, the long history of Ryan on the forum and his relationships with users and staff members meant that doubt existed that he could have just "made it all up." However, great pains were taken to verify his background and, unfortunately, it was instead confirmed through a variety of independent sources and background checks that he did, in fact, fabricate most of his claims regarding professional qualifications and history, to include military exploits and rank. A few of his claims which have been proven to be fraudulent are the following:

18 year Army Career
Rank of CW3
Medical retirement as CW3
Numerous awards and decorations he falsely claimed (combat jump wings, ranger tab, sapper tab, etc)
ATF Agent
Service in Gulf War
Service in GWOT
His age (he claimed to have been born in 1970 -- in actuality he was born in 1976 and graduated HS in 1994)
Professional Education: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Commercial Pilot's License

He also created alternate user IDs and started arguments with himself, in order to make his position appear stronger. Often, "trolls" with which he dealt were his own creations.

Sadly, the only place where he appears to have been honest was on, where he described himself as graduating from his HS in 1994, serving a few years in the military and becoming a police officer following his ETS prior to 2000.

Ryan Herle now claims that this is due to psychological problems and that he is being treated for mental illness. Whatever the truth, the forum staff, once it came to light, could not allow him to further create falsehoods. This would be damaging to the forum itself.

Elite Ammunition took whatever steps they felt appropriate, and decisions by the company as a whole were made solely by the owners.

This is being posted due to the fact that Mr. Herle has contacted members of the forum and begun making claims about threats against his life, financial claims, etc.

If this is due to mental problems we sincerely hope Ryan will get the help he needs, however his destructive behavior could not be allowed to continue. It was the hope of the staff that he be allowed to leave without severe disruption of the forum, however his attempts to undermine EA and the forum have made the posting of this information necessary.

Rest assured that weeks were spent, along with a good deal of personal money by members of the staff, to absolutely verify that he did, in fact, lie about these things. The staff would never have taken action without 100% certainty.

As an example, here is Ryan's classmate's page which he took down immediately after being presented with it.


This interaction took place in a restricted area of the forum. Ryan was presented with the facts as the staff found them. His reaction was to delete the thread and his own threads and posts en masse. It is released at the request of EA.
Cyberfly wrote:The Unanimous Declaration of Removal

When, in the course of Internet events, it becomes necessary for a forum to dissolve the bonds, which have connected them with a member, and to assume among the powers of the forum, a decent respect to the well being of the forum requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all forum members are created equal, that they are endowed by their Forum Staff with certain unalienable right of freedom of speech. That to secure this right, Forum Staff are instituted among members, deriving their just powers from the consent of the owners. That whenever any member becomes destructive and deceitful to these ends, it is the right of the Forum Staff to banish them. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that forums long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that Forums are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by banishing members to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of destruction and deceit, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such member, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of this forum; and such is now the necessity, which constrains them to alter their member list. The history of the present Medula Oblongata is a history of repeated destructions and deceits, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over this forum. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid forum.

Deceptions & Falsehoods


He claims to have been born in 1970.

The Facts:

Background checks and other sources confirm that he was born in 1976.

Conclusion: A false DOB serves as the foundation for a largely fictitious personal history.


He claims: To have received a CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Examination) diploma.

The facts: He actually graduated HS in 1994." onclick=";return false; ... 8705272293 -- Removed immediately" onclick=";return false; ... clnk&gl=us -- Cached profile

Contradictions and falsehoods: This affects the entire timeline for his career which he used in order to attempt to garner authority in any discussion or to bring legitimacy to his point of view. Graduating in 1994, he could not have participated in any military operation prior to that time, such as Desert Storm, during which time he has repeatedly claimed to serve. He stated on that he "Served several years in the mid-90s." This is most likely the truth.

Conclusion: He has deliberately lied and created a false identity based upon this fabricated date.


He claims: That DMV altered his DOB on his driver’s license, thereby altering all other records.

The facts: DMV requires at least two (2) forms of identification with one (1) being a birth certificate. Once this information is entered into the system, it is not changed. To alter this information is a class C felony in most states.

Contradictions and Falsehoods: This information is not ‘linked’ to other system so it does not change his date of birth in other federal, state or local records. As a Law Enforcement Officer, he would know this. Also, as anal as he has shown himself to be on the forums with members, it would be shocking had he not immediately, upon issuance of an erroneous operator’s license, returned with his birth certificate and demanded that it be corrected.

Conclusion: He has deliberately lied about his age to facilitate a longer period of time to be in the military. This allows for a more ‘colorful’ military background to impress others.


He claims: To have retired as a Chief Warrant Officer 3. He has signed, at least once, "CWO-3 (Ret)".

The Facts: Chief Warrant Officer 3 would actually be written "CW3". While a minor detail, it does raise doubts.

Conclusion: misuse of rank shows possible unfamiliarity and likely fraud.


He claims: The following career MOS and training: 911A (nuclear weapons technician), EOD certification, Heavy Demo Master, Qualified Paratrooper/Air Assault Trooper, Qualified RANGER, Combat Engineer, and SAPPER.

The Facts: Many of these are considered a career in and of themselves and require many years, if not a lifetime to master. Most soldiers wait years just to attend one of these schools. Air Assault (a ten day course) and Airborne (~ three weeks) are not really hard to attend and don't mark you for a job. They are however expected of personnel assigned to certain units. Ranger, however, is tough to get, and most wait many years for their shot. But then again so is EOD. Sapper is an interesting school for Engineer MOS personnel. It's very tough, however, one of the interesting things about it is that even if you FAIL to achieve a standard at some point in the training to earn the tab, you are still allowed to complete the training for the experience value.

He claims Engineer as his branch (though he also had the ordnance insignia on his togetherweserved page). This would be a branch qualifying school he would have attended as a WO1 and/or the specific AIT he would have attended as an enlisted man. He talks about serving at Fort Leonard Wood, which IS the training center for Engineers, as well as MPs and Chem.

911A "Nuclear Weapons Technician" is a Vietnam-era MOS.

He has claimed 3 years worth of vertical stripes on his togetherweserved profile as well as 18 years worth of service stripes and a combat jump. Very few units in the last decades have earned the right for their paratroopers to wear combat jump wings, particularly the 173rd Airborne and 75th Ranger Regiment.

Conclusion: Considering his true age, and the amount of time available for him to have been in the military, it is highly unlikely for him to have been able to qualify for, much likely attend the above-mentioned training.


He claims: Quote: “The only thick file on me was my disciplinary file.”

The Facts: As a warrant he would have been "blocked" on his OERs by his Senior Rater (who for a warrant in a ground unit would most likely be an O5 or O6) Meaning given Above Center Mass, Center Mass, and Below Center Mass ratings along with "Best Qualified, Fully Qualified, Do Not Promote, and 'other'". In addition, the officer is rated in the formation (i.e. #4 of 7 I rate in this grade). To top it off, at the top of the OER is the rater's recommendation, which is "Outstanding Performance, Must Promote" "Satisfactory Performance, Promote" or "Unsatisfactory Performance, Do Not Promote". The lone wolf, rogue shooter, bad boy bullshit doesn’t do it. It only works in Hollywood. Maybe an Artos will buy that story. Run it by any real operator or someone who spent any real time in the military outside of an office or off of a barstool and see if they’ll buy it, because we don’t. He would never -- NEVER -- have been picked up for WOCS (Warrant Officer Candidate School) if he had disciplinary issues -- ESPECIALLY during the late 80s and 90s. Even now the selection rate is about 30%.

Conclusion: Pure Bullshit. Or maybe it’s all true and he never made rank. Maybe that’s why he made up the retired Chief Warrant Officer crap?


He claims: To have been employed with BATFE.

The Facts: According to BATFE personnel officers, nobody by the name of Ryan Joseph Herle with either DOB in 1970 OR 1976, has ever been in employ by their Department.

Contradictions and Falsehoods: This affects the stories of how you first began interest in reloading the 5.7X28MM round. Although there is no denying your proficiency or knowledge in reloading this round, it does, in fact bring into question any all following LE claims. Federal Law Enforcement, at any level is not something one easily gets into nor do they get into it quickly. Nor is it something someone simply walks away from without good reason.

Conclusion: You have deliberately lied and created a false background in order to give yourself more credibility than deserved.


He claims: To have been an AZ State Trooper

The Facts: Unable to verify. However, he was nervous and did not want fatherfoof to mention to the FOP that he was once an AZ State Trooper, although he would not say why.

Contradictions and Falsehoods: Most State Trooper programs are not easy to get into and involve a long waiting period, a long training period and are not usually something that somebody tries for a short time, then quits. Although it is ‘possible’ that he was one, we find it HIGHLY unlikely.

Conclusion: Unable to verify but find unlikely.


He claims: To have attended the Cordon Bleu Academy

The Facts: The Cordon Bleu Academy has schools scattered all across the nation, including schools in California and Arizona, two states in which he has lived.

Contradictions and Falsehoods: Although it is possible that he attended the academy, as they have ‘certificate’ programs, there is no way that he could have graduated with a degree from any of those schools. The degree programs are too stringent, however, the ‘certificate’ programs are designed primarily for those who want to pay for the honor of being able to say they’ve attended the school.

Conclusion: Possible. Unlikely, but possible.


He claims: To hold a PhD in Electrical Engineering.

The facts: On another forum, he claimed to hold a DD, (Divinity). On our forum, he claimed a PhD in Electrical Engineering. A PhD can be ‘purchased’ from the internet for approximately $250 based on ‘life experiences’, but is not earned through an accredited university.

Contradictions and Falsehoods: Which is it? DD or PhD? Divinity or Electrical Engineering?

Conclusion: He can’t even keep his lies straight.

The list of stories that have been debunked stretches for as long as he’s been on the forums and as long as our collective memories continue to consider and remember. From his claims to have been with the 3rd CAV to his stories involving duty-related shootings, all have now been called into question. The list is far too long to go into here. Suffice to say, what needed proving was proven.

We, therefore, the representatives of the FiveseveN Forum, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these forums, solemnly publish and declare, that this member is, and of right ought to be, banished from the forums, and the forums be absolved from all allegiance to said member. All connection between the forums and the member is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as such, the forums continue to form alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent forums may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

Following this post, Ryan deleted the thread.

You can delete the thread Ryan, but that doesn't make it go away.
It wasn't just something that I threw together. It was signed FiveseveN Staff. It was a compiliation of work from ALL of us. Put together by ALL of us, at an off-site forum over a period of several weeks and performed, if I might say, with the thoroughness of a very professional investigation.
We wanted to make sure we weren't making unfounded allegations, since you were a founding member, and in essence ONE OF US.
Besides, all of it is SAVED.
We were hoping you would have the decency of simply coming clean, apologizing for playing us, and then leaving quietly so we wouldn't have to out you publicly like you insisted we do to Artos.
But if you want to play it like this...we can.
We have it ALL backed up on our personal computers. ALL OF IT. We left no stone unturned.
All we wanted was possibly some sort of explanation. I mean...all of us have something in our lives that sucks. Something we aren't proud of, but we don't go trying to make up THIS level of horseshit to make ourselves out to be something we aren't. We took you at your word and you betrayed that. You were our brother in arms. But now...
Or are you buying time to Google and Wikipedia and Photoshop yourself some credentials and a birth certificate to try to prove us wrong?
It won't work. Too many conflicting stories. Too many criss-crossing timelines. Not enough research before you spouted off.
Besides, you simply aren't old enough.
Give it up and just come clean.
Oh, and before you start threatening to sue me so hard that my mother will feel it, give me the name of your lawyer so my servicing agent will be ready for it. I DO have Pre-Paid Legal. And I'm not afraid to use it.
Medula Oblongata:
You wanted me gone, so I left.

I deleted myself and anything pertaining to it.

What more do you want?

There were a select few that weren't aware of what was going on, but that doesn't matter. They probably know now.
I saw how many had read the post this morning before you deleted it.
I won't name them, but they can post in this thread if they wish. Just in case they actually feel that it needs to be known that they had no hand in outing you.
Medula Oblongata:
What's your point?

You want me gone, I'm gone. That's that.
Just an explanation.
A 'why'.

I thought we were friends. Brothers.

I trusted you more than I trust my own. It hurts man.
I know you must be pissed. I probably would be. Right now...I'm not. I thought I would be. Right now I just feel...hurt.
Medula Oblongata:
Perhaps its mental illness.
Did you think that if you were just yourself that your knowledge of reloading would be any less valuable?
Did you think that your jokes would be any less funny?
Did you think that your wit would be any less sharp?
You didn't have to be somebody else. Just you.
Medula Oblongata
As I said, I'm being treated for mental illness.
We all suffer from that. To some degree.

We all want to be something more than we are. I tried like hell to be, but I couldn't cut it. It killed me that I couldn't.
Medula Oblongata:
You simply aren't hearing me.

Regardless, I'll leave quietly. I'm not going to do anything.

This forum, my business; they're forfeit. I will simply take my belongings and walk away.
I want to say that its been nice knowing you, but...I don't think I ever knew you.
The parts that I DO know that was you, the real you, I liked. And I'll miss that part. I just wish I could have known the real you.
Just don't do anything stupid.
Think of Catherine. I saw how she looks at you. Don't ever let her down Ryan.. that little girl worships her daddy.
She loves you too much Ryan.
Medula Oblongata:
It is what it is.

Like I said, I'll take my belongings and leave.

I'll never do anything to harm anyone on this board or with Elite. If we can all just walk away, that is.
You can.
I'm sure of it.
I wish you a prosperous and happy life Ryan. I sincerely hope that things work out for you so that you can be with your kids. I'll never forget how your face lit up around them.
I meant it when I said I'll miss you. That part of it you that I know is really you.
Good luck and God bless.


Update May 16 2011" onclick=";return false;
Court Case:2011SC013412
County: Milwaukee

Update July 18, 2012" onclick=";return false;
Court Case:2012CF003576
County: Milwaukee

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 09:50
by panzermk2wife
From my standpoint we had a gentleman's agreement he walks away quietly and doesn't try to hurt us or the company and we would leave things as he has family & health issues and left the company.

But I got a pm from one of the regular forum members that not only was disturbing (although not surprising he would continue the lies) but pissed me off and showed he broke the agreement.

Here is the pm I got last night and the name has been removed to protect their identity
I had a call from him yesterday saying he was no longer with EA or this forum, a gun was put in his face, unauthorized credit lines and embezzlement?

What's in the background of all this?
Complete lies once again.

He would not know how to tell the truth if his life depended on it.

When his wife left him in May 2008 Jay &I truly felt bad for him. We brought him up here as a friend because we were truly concerned for him. We brought him into our home as family and he betrayed us in the worse way.

He was always the first one to point out a poser and it turns out out he is the biggest one of all. Because he was suppose to be a friend and family to those of us who were taken by his lies.

I can just imagine what new identity he will reinvent himself with.

Elite Ammunition WILL continue and prosper without Ryan


Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 12:00
by Esteves
The whole situation makes me very sad. Both from a "How could I have fallen for it for so long?" and a "Why would he even feel the need to?" point of view.

Anyone who is a parent understands the difference between loving the person and abhoring particular behaviors. We are no longer children, and when adults (and supposed friends) behave as children who never learned certain lessons - the response is different, it has to be.

Trust is a fragile thing.

I hope that Ryan gets the help that he needs to address whatever the root cause is.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 12:04
Enough said!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 13:23
by gw45acp
There were a lot of inconsistencies in what he posted on the old forum up to the end of his presence here. I think those who have been around since the Btown days know what I mean. This really isn't that surprising. I hope he will seek out the help that he needs, at least for the sake of his children.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 13:28
by Llagoud

^ that was me completely speechless.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 15:55
by Grantness
*sigh* :?:

He was lying a lot about orders and such after his wife had left him, but I wrote it off.

The whole thing with his relative (brother?) that ran an ammo business and had lied and been kicked off the forum was weird too.

What about that fundraiser for his daughter's trip to washington? Was that real?

Its really upsetting to hear this about a guy a lot of us looked up to. I hope he doesnt get on some sort of revenge trip and ruine the reputation of this community as well as EA :gavel:

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 16:12
by panzermk2wife
Grant I know the feeling.

See we believed him about the stories of his ex-wife and the bullshit that went down with her.

The other ammo company is his father.

Don't know how true the fundraiser for his daughter to go to D.C. is. Once I have calmed down from all of this I may send an email to his ex-wife with a lot of questions.

He chose to tell lies to another forum member so now everything is coming out.

I know it's shocking and hard to grasp. But as a collective he had ALL OF US here believing his bullshit.

Right now what he has done to my family and our company I can honestly say, I don't care what happens to him.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 16:57
by f3rr37
It is his father in CA that has the other ammo business. I have no idea what the deal was with that...

But to the best of our knowledge everything posted by Wolly are the conclusions we have come to based upon a pretty thorough investigation by the entire forum staff.

It saddens me that everything must come to this, but when someone you look up to lies about almost his entire background, he must be brought to the spot light to prevent others from being hurt.

We've had to deal with this same sort of situation this last year (ArtosDracon), and we all hoped that we would never have to do such a thing again. But, as we all learn in life, some people are never quite up to what they make themselves out to be.

There is really only one thing that we as a forum expect from every person on here, is that you're truthful about yourself.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 17:02
by Wollychop
When I think about the personal interactions I've had with him, I have to think of it like I ate dinner with a fictional character.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 18:55
by panzermk2
I have been publicly silent about this matter. Up to this point. If anyone other then close friends asked me about the situation I stated He left do to health issues. No matter how many times asked. Ryan asked me to leave him with some dignity by not publicly outing him.

He stated he would go away quietly, gave me an excuse of a mental health issue. I honored this request. As many who have contacted me can attest. I still gave him the benefit of the doubt while others whose judgment was less impaired due to distance from the situation around me told me not to.

I guess since I was closest to him I still held out for him. The extent of my foolishness has now been made so clear even I can see it.

The PM from the another forum member stating I took the company from him at gun point has shown to me that he would and will stop at nothing to keep lying. It is an utter boldface lie.

Phantom accounts? It was him in what I believe, my opinion, in some form of altered state that continually emptied Elites checking account. It was his ATM card used at the the stores around his house were all the transaction were performed. To a degree I believe he has sat in the dark and convinced himself that this lie is truth. That somehow I copied his personal ATM card, stole his PIN, dressed like him and went around his neighbor hood cleaning out the accounts.

I would like to thank everyone who knew what was going who gave me the support to see this through and their patience as I was still making excuses for him to them even yesterday as they tried to beat the truth into me. I have put Lisa through hell standing behind Ryan at her and my families expense.

To those concerned about their orders and future orders.The company has never been stronger. At no time in the past have we ever put out more product and at a higher quality. Those with .223 back orders have seen this since in the last week most have gotten their ammo.

Development will continue. As most know Ryan was not the only one inventing at EA. I focused on night sights, basis, shell plate development, FS2000 tri-rail etc. Load development was not outside of my ability the 45acp XTP load was mine. I have been loading for decades and have no issues developing ongoing loads for the 5.7x28 as I have been doing it for 45acp and 10mm for many years.

Hopeful someday Ryan gets the help he needs.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 18:56
by MrSlippyFist
I only had one conversation with the man, and that conversation really made me believe the speculation before we began to all see that it was true. Looking back it all should have been so obvious. You really can't trust anyone nowadays.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 18:59
by MrSlippyFist
I do not believe him to be mentally unstable. To keep such an untruth going for so long takes cunning and craft that only a rapist sociopath would envy. People like this know exactly what they are doing.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 19:49
by flyingirish04
Wow, a lot makes sense now. I never met the guy, but I talked to him several times on the phone. He was a good liar it seems. He has tried to contact me, but I haven't responded because I have been so busy. It seems he is a pathological liar that needs professional help, like Mike Keaton's character in "Dream Team".

I guess thats why you are always wary of people on the net. At least I have met Jay in person and know he is legit. I think you are right Jay when you say he has convinced himself of his lies being truth. Sad. I hope he gets help.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 19:54
by panzermk2
WTF wait a minute.

RYAN CLAIMED to have not only have met you but somehow served with you at the same time and unit. I know your Navy but he stated some sort of joint operations thing.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:01
by romer522

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:03
All of us who have known him are victims. I considered a "family member". But he is his own biggest victim. The important thing is that truth is out in the open. Everyone who has knowledge of this truth is set from more hurt and pain. It could have been worse. I thank the moderators here and Lisa & Jay at EA for not giving up and keeping the integrity of both the Forum and EA intack. Hopefully we can all put this behind us and have a great weekend. Today is Sunday and the start of a new week. It's also in away a new start for all of us, this forum and EA. God Bless Us All.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:18
by panzermk2wife
Having a mental illness does not excuse any of his actions in my book.
I am sorry to sound so cold hearted, but no one will ever know the full extent of what his actions cause myself, Jay and our children.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:18
by flyingirish04
I never served with Ryan Herle. I did train at the JFK US Army SWC as a Civil Affairs Officer, then deploy with SOCCENT to Iraq, but Ryan was not among the guys I served with. He told me he was in Afghanistan in 2002.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:25
by 69ranchero351c
i've never posted much on here but he was one of the main reasons why i never did. he was just so vicious if any body had a differing opinion and it just pissed me off. dude its a free country for people to do what they want and say what they want.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:39
by Rapier1772

The CW03 to medical retirement from the army to police officer to ATF agent seemed improbable but not impossible. Its a lot to do but with the right attitude & drive it is possible. I bought it - all of it.

Thank you for bringing this to light

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:50
by Sniperjoe
wow, just wow

im not going to lie, like most of the people here, i belived most of the things that he said. Some of it however i didnt, like i remember he said he had a collection of cigars worth over 100,000. In the back of my head i always thought he was bsing, i dont think i ever really wanted to belive it.

Im the type of person who never divulges information about my self over the internet. Not my name, where i live, bday, age, anything. I always found it strange that I actually trusted people here enough to give any info on me at all. Il be honest ive always liked this place for that reason, the "family" enviorment.

im not going to lie, it feels a bit odd now though...........

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 20:57
by panzermk2wife
Consider yourself lucky

This asshole has been my house alone with me & my children at times.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 21:04
by Sniperjoe
yea i dont think anyone here will deny that jay and lisa got the brunt of it :(

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 21:43
by ynoty3k
Wow. Just wow. :?: :huh:

I questioned his credentials, but this is the internet. I'm sorry some of you all got hurt so much more by this guy. I guess everything else's pretty much been said...

tomorrow brings another day. Fresh beginnings for all. :patriot:

Just curious, with him gone is it okay to say the word "Airsoft" again?

also, what happened to his post count? was it reset?

and with him gone, does that mean there's an opportunity for fractional Ownership in EA?

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 21:50
by ChuckD
Wow, I actually thought he was a decent guy.
I know I'm not the oldest of the forum members, but everytime I talked to him he made me feel kinda like small, worthless. (Even though I had only ordered from EA once. I'm a poor college student and can barely afford rent.)
I'm sorry for Lisa & Jay with how they had to take the brunt of it. My best wishes are with you, and this makes me question people even more. Thank you for being truthful with us.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 21:57
by f3rr37
ynoty3k wrote:also, what happened to his post count? was it reset?
Ryan chose to delete all of his posts, as he has the right to do, as does everyone else if they feel the need to. Posts are property of the user who has posted them.
ynoty3k wrote:Just curious, with him gone is it okay to say the word "Airsoft" again?
Of course, as long as you understand completely that airsoft and firearms are two completely different subjects and should not be mixed :D

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:08
by f3rr37
Oh, and he also attempted to give everyone access to every part of the forum, but somehow managed to not to, thank goodness. And he tried clearing the admin/mod logs to cover his tracks.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:09
by ynoty3k
If I hold a lighter to my airsoft, it becomes a firearm (uses propane for propellant)

Ahh, I was just wondering. I didnt think you all would delete his posts, just curious.

What doesn't Kill you makes ya stronger. I guess we all are stronger now. Perhaps more jaded too, but stronger still.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:12
by Buffman

IS there any reason to question his ability/expertise in loading the ammuntion that was sold to EA customers, or was that one thing he did with good mindset?

I know a person who has a tale of lies similiar to this. At one point he had stated he had a performance business located in a few cities over. He had sold rims to a local and three days before he was going to deliver them to that guy, his house got robbed and the rims were stolen. I happened accross that automotive forum one day, and had stumbled upon such posts by him. I informed the person he frauded and from that day, I've never trusted a word that man says.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:30
by Sniperjoe
f3rr37 wrote:Oh, and he also attempted to give everyone access to every part of the forum, but somehow managed to not to, thank goodness. And he tried clearing the admin/mod logs to cover his tracks.
why and how would he do that?, he wasnt a mod was he?

I know he lied and shit, but i didnt know he actually wanted to go as far as to cause harm to the forum :?:

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:34
by Buffman
he was a mod. or at least I remember him locking threads?

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:38
by f3rr37
yeah, kind of a mod.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 22:47
by panzermk2
Buffman wrote:WOW!

IS there any reason to question his ability/expertise in loading the ammuntion that was sold to EA customers, or was that one thing he did with good mindset?

I know a person who has a tale of lies similiar to this. At one point he had stated he had a performance business located in a few cities over. He had sold rims to a local and three days before he was going to deliver them to that guy, his house got robbed and the rims were stolen. I happened accross that automotive forum one day, and had stumbled upon such posts by him. I informed the person he frauded and from that day, I've never trusted a word that man says.

No. For the most part all of the ammunition loaded the last 2 months has been loaded by me. Currently no one else is loading. Before that 50/50 but I have been watching him like you would not believe the last 6 months. So much so he did not like it. Lisa has been hand checking every loaded cartridge one at a time since. We had one lot of bad primers get out. The total run went to 2 people and we have since replaced that ammunition.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 23:02
by blueorison
Seems like alot of lies were told to gain the affirmation and love of others. Panzer and PanzermkII I continue to wish EA and your family the best... I'm sorry that you have had to go through this much pain.

I do not know Ryan as much as you guys do, but I agree with the fact that no matter how unloved, lonely you are or what mental illness you have it does not excuse yourself from getting help rather than hurting those who love you.

After you tell a lie for so long, you start believing it. I agree with ferret when he said

"There is really only one thing that we as a forum expect from every person on here, is that you're truthful about yourself."

in the end the truth will surface.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 23:12
by f3rr37
Lets not forget that Ryan still is a member of this forum and at any time could come and refute these claims and try to prove us wrong. He has not been banned like he has done to others, we presented him with our findings and tried to allow him to just walk away w/out a fuss.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 03:07
by sabotteur
And to think we offered to have him out here at the farm so he could spend time with his daughter if that trip to DC was even real.

I guess I owe Lisa and Jay an apology too, as I kinda got a little terse with them after 9 months of Ryan taking my money and never shipping an EA order, one that they immediately sent out as soon as they became aware of the situation.

I knew about him creating trolls accounts so he could refute them, called him out on it once in PMs, after which he claimed to own Kronos Management when the forums switched over. I guess that was a lie too....

Anyway, I'll agree that it's a shame but I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with liars. The whole mental health defense is a great way for liberals to defend the violator and take away the dignity of the victims.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 03:20
by RedDog57
To Jay, Lisa, and the Forum team, thank you. I'm sure emotions are running high, but it looks like you have all approached this in a careful, methodical way. I feel stupid posting a nice goodbye message, and I've only read him for a short time. It must be hard for you who have known and worked with him. Thanks for bringing this to our attention; you respect us by doing the right thing. :patriot:

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 06:05
by Sniperjoe
jmz5 wrote:I actually feel a little ashamed of some of the people who I banned based on Ryan's requests. :(
nah man, dont, he had everyone fooled with his bs

plus 98% of the people you banned on his request were probly him anyway

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 06:44
by tejohnson
Is it April 1st? No really? I have not been very active on here for a few months but I have glanced at the forum every week. Never would I have thought anything was up. Have there been more absurd claims over the past few months that led to this doubt?

I never once questioned Ryans credentials. I was not aware of the "ATF" employee claim, although, that would have been easy to verify. (Prior pay records for all Federal Employees can be found on the Internet)

In any case, he did seem to know his stuff when it came to the 5.7x28. Is there any question about guidance given, specifically in the areas of discussion on what Is and Is Not safe?

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 07:13
by f3rr37
As for Ryan's daughter's DC trip, we're pretty sure that is truth. Cyberfly met with Ryan and his daughter once and everything seemed to be hunky-dory.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 07:47
by jmz5
If he gave any advice that was unsafe, it would have been caught by others.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 08:16
by The Keymaster
Has anyone used the 5.7 x 28 sizing/crimp dies he sold? I think there were about 8 sold. With all the revelations, just wondering if these are OK. I haven't gotten around to using mine yet.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 08:21
by romer522
I would have to assume Jay was involved in those dies, and that they are good-to-go.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 09:17
by Gramaton Cleric
I am shocked and angry :furious: I wondered what was going on when I tried to contact him regarding ammo! I feel like..... duped! Well lesson learned!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 09:25
by Gramaton Cleric
I want to thank the staff for the way this was handled. And a special thanks to Elite for their ammo! I wondered why production was slow i see why now.... thanks for your hard work and preserving your company's image. I bought into the load of crap and i haven't been on the forum as much because of Mo. But I'm glad to know what the deal really is and I'm glad I'm back! Thanks Sniper Joe!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 09:58
by panzermk2wife
romer522 wrote:I would have to assume Jay was involved in those dies, and that they are good-to-go.
Roman, I am sorry to say that NO Jay had no involvement in that little project. That was all Ryan.

The Keymaster wrote:Has anyone used the 5.7 x 28 sizing/crimp dies he sold? I think there were about 8 sold. With all the revelations, just wondering if these are OK. I haven't gotten around to using mine yet.
I know of personally 1 person who never received theirs.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 10:07
by panzermk2wife
Gramaton Cleric wrote:I am shocked and angry :furious: I wondered what was going on when I tried to contact him regarding ammo! I feel like..... duped! Well lesson learned!
Believe me we feel it too and will for a while

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 10:16
by panzermk2wife
Gramaton Cleric wrote:I wondered why production was slow i see why now.... thanks for your hard work and preserving your company's image.
Yeah stealing the money out of the company bank account as fast I put it in was not something I could explain at the time because no one knew what Ryan was doing and we were trying to keep our company afloat.

Well it will take some time to recover from both the financial loss as well as the emotional loss. But we are working on getting things back in order the way it should be.

But I am glad it is out in the open and explains a lot.

We just ask that everyone be patient. I know I have said that in the past but now you know the reason why for the patience. This company means a lot to both Jay & I. And I will be damn if I am going to let Ryan win by seeing us fail.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 10:29
by kamo
Wow, even though I have been absent from the forums for some time, I have still kept in touch with some of you guys here, and sadly Ryan was one of them. Like some, I have met him in person before and it's shocking to find out about all this.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 10:54
by panzermk2wife
Okay I have heard this on the phone by 3 people today and I am fucking pissed :furious:

In phone conversations he has told people that my children are special needs children and that I am not tending to their "special needs"

WTF is this asshole smoking? My children are the most important priority in my life.

My children are happy & healthy and too smart for their own good sometimes.

He is just jealous he didn't not have the happy marriage Jay & I have and he is angry that we have loving relationships with each our children.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 11:08
by Rapier1772
People here know that Lisa but it is good that you are being kept informed of the lies. As aggravating as it is, at least this way you can head them off before the lies really get started

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 11:28
by Sniperjoe
Gramaton Cleric wrote:I want to thank the staff for the way this was handled. And a special thanks to Elite for their ammo! I wondered why production was slow i see why now.... thanks for your hard work and preserving your company's image. I bought into the load of crap and i haven't been on the forum as much because of Mo. But I'm glad to know what the deal really is and I'm glad I'm back! Thanks Sniper Joe!
not a problem man, anytime :thumb:
panzermk2wife wrote:Okay I have heard this on the phone by 3 people today and I am fucking pissed :furious:

In phone conversations he has told people that my children are special needs children and that I am not tending to their "special needs"

WTF is this asshole smoking? My children are the most important priority in my life.

My children are happy & healthy and too smart for their own good sometimes.

He is just jealous he didn't not have the happy marriage Jay & I have and he is angry that we have loving relationships with each our children.
wow....thats just horrible, after all hes done he has to go after your kids...... thats just like the epitomy of fucked up

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 11:29
by kamo
damn that sucks jay. He hasn't called me yet since all this went down, but I'll make sure to just ignore the call.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 12:24
by panzermk2wife
Yes, sniperjoe it is fucked up.

It's one thing to make false accusations about the company, Jay & I.

It's a whole other ballgame when you start shit about my kids. I can deal with the other shit, but will not stand for talking shit about innocent children, my children when they actually liked, trusted and looked at him as an uncle.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 12:29
by panzermk2wife
The lord works in mysterious ways. I believe GOD will take care of him in his own "special way"

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 13:35
by Gramaton Cleric
:agree: exactly!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 13:45
by Sniperjoe
panzermk2wife wrote:The lord works in mysterious ways. I believe GOD will take care of him in his own "special way"
Ain't he actually sick, like ill sick, or was that bs as well?

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 13:47
by jmz5

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 13:47
by panzermk2wife
It was bullshit.

He claimed before he came up here he had terminal Pancreatic (? spelling) Cancer and had 6 months to live.

Then he claims to go to a doctor once he moved up here and all of a sudden it was a misdiagnosis.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 14:05
by flyingirish04

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 14:33
by panzermk2wife
Exactly Irish

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 14:34
by Wollychop
Thread updated / moved

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 14:39
by Rapier1772
Should we go thru and edit out language? Potty mouths :p

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 14:47
by Wollychop
Opening post updated with previously unavailable information, the last back and forth between Ryan and a member of the staff.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 16:48
by Buffman
I'm not sure if I missed it, but does EA still retain the loading names and "receipes" for the 5.7x28mm ammo, or was that some of RH's intellectual property?

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 16:53
by panzermk2wife
They belong to the company

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 17:00
by Buffman
Good to know..

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 18:20
by Vortec MAX
I guess this means there's no chance of me getting one of those 5.7 x 28 how to DVDs with recipes now. :p

By the way, MO told me that the crimping die I bought from him was the same as EA is using in production. It this a true statement?


Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 18:26
Holy shit, WTF just happened! I just don't know what I'm feeling right now after reading through these pages . . . mostly confused and betrayed for being sucked into it so completely . . . I suppose like everyone else! Hmm, makes me less trusting, and I hate feeling this way. I didn't know Ryan personally, but I liked him, and that's hard to deal with all these conflicting feelings.

Anyway one of the reasons I joined this forum, and what keeps me interested here is the way the Forum leadership/staff deals with difficult and devisive issues to one if its core values . . . and boy is this one is a f*#$ing whopper! Thank you for keeping it honest, letting us in on the truth, and more importantly keeping it REAL! I admire you all for the mature handling of this very sensitive situation.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 18:28
by panzermk2wife
Vortec MAX wrote:I guess this means there's no chance of me getting one of those 5.7 x 28 how to DVDs with recipes now. :p

By the way, MO told me that the crimping die I bought from him was the same as EA is using in production. It this a true statement?

He told Jay that they were from his personal stash.

Only Ryan & God know the truth on that Mike.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 18:29
by panzermk2wife

Believe me when I started putting 2 and 2 together it made me sick for weeks.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 19:00
by blueorison
From the conversation in the first post between Cyberfly and MO, it seemed that he was backing off because he was beginning to feel embarrassed and ashamed when he was caught and confronted so at that moment he agreed to back off... but later he garnered up his resentment and lashed back at EA and the people that used to surround him.

I do wish him the best and hope that he would not harass anyone else.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 19:05
by panzermk2wife
In the past several hours I have been called and emailed with so much shit he has said about Jay & I in the past 2 weeks the only thing I can do is laugh because he is so far of this planet.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 20:54
by SSBiggun
Jay and Lisa,
After reading this whole thread and remembering some of the claims in the past let me state that I am truly sorry for what you have had to suffer through with his actions. In all honesty I probably would not have been as successful with my own 5.7 reloading without Ryan's advice. He was helpful at times though it will in no way excuse the abnormal behavior there were some positives over the years. I hope he can someday be comfortable with who he really is.

Fly, Thanks for handling like a professional when it became public knowledge.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 21:01
by karbuv
I got one and it works fine. Sorry to hear about all this.
The Keymaster wrote:Has anyone used the 5.7 x 28 sizing/crimp dies he sold? I think there were about 8 sold. With all the revelations, just wondering if these are OK. I haven't gotten around to using mine yet.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 21:22
by hammerhands32
Son of a %#*@^, Mother$%#@&#, peice of @%#$ and then wow. Ive been gobling up his B.S. happily for over a year

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 21:30
by panzermk2wife
Thank you for your kind words SSBiggun

We don't deny he knows about reloading.

It's all the lies about his age claiming to be 39 when in fact he's 33. Which is the same age as my younger brother.

All the LEO & military claims of being all these things and getting all the medals and so forth. Which is a slap in the face to all those who are past & current military as well as our officers past and present..

The lies of his work history ie working for the ATF, being head of a 4 billion dollar project so on & so forth

The stealing of company funds

And the things that hurt the most to me on an emotion level and being a woman it is multiply by millions: the lies just in the past 3 to 4 weeks. Putting a gun to his head, stealing from him, Jay being a former cocaine addict, me being a diagnosed schizophrenic, telling people that all 3 of our children are special needs children and that I am not tending to their "special needs". My children are happy, healthy and very well rounded children. And so many other hurtful lies.

These are the things that hurt me the most. We brought him up here as a friend, made him part of our family and he turns around and completely without batting an eyelash tried to run the company and our family.

Once he opens his eyes and realizes which in my own opinion will not happen he is going to see all his sins. He is one day going to have to answer for these sins. I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when that happens.

I sincerely hope no one expects me to have any sympathy for him, because I don't. I know it sounds cold, but walk in my shoes for a moment. There is no way I will every forgive and forget what he has done to my family. How much my family has lost. How much my children have lost due to his lies and stealing. To me he is dead. Ryan Herle no longer exists in my book. I will hate him for a very long time because of what he did to my family and I know I will have to confess that sin to our priest one day, but that day is not today, tomorrow, not next week and maybe not even a year from now. I think I deserve to hate him for a while.

Sorry for the rant guys, I just I had to get it off my chest because this has been building for months and physically and emotionally I have been drained.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 21:59
by f3rr37
hammerhands32 wrote:Son of a %#*@^, Mother$%#@&#, peice of @%#$ and then wow. Ive been gobling up his B.S. happily for over a year
For many of us, more than a year, I've been around since 2006 and have taken his word as gospel up until about a year ago.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 22:16
by RedDog57
satellitedr3ams wrote:we all have lost here. lisa im sorry to hear. better sooner than later tho.

:( :agree:

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 22:19
by blueorison

I'm sorry Lisa. I can't wish to understand how you're feeling as a mother and someone who trusted him with your family and I sincerely hope he doesn't hurt you any further.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 05:28
by panzermk2wife
Thanks guys.

I guess he didn't expect everyone to figure out the deceit.

I feel really bad for those here on the forum as well who were duped by his deception as well. It just really boggles the mind.

But as I said we will all be stronger for this hard life experience and we will come out on top as a family here on the forum.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 07:55
by Cyberfly
Thats the thing about being a bullshitter. You can get away with it a lot easier on the internet than you can in real life. You don't have to look someone in the eye in real life. Cops have a sixth sense and he'd have had to try to pull that off everyday in real life, I think he would have been sniffed out a lot sooner.
But its over.
At least, it better be over.
He may have his nose out of joint for it having gone public, but that's his own damned fault for shooting his mouth off. We kept up our end of the agreement far longer than we should have.
I won't go into it, but we had grounds for coming forward sooner than we did. And he knows it.
Ryan, if you do come back in here and read this, know this. I agree with you on one thing. You DO need help. And you need to get a grip on reality. Get this damned chip off your shoulder and quit whining. Pull yourself up and get on with your life. There IS something better out there for you, but you have to man up and be HONEST about it. Be honest with yourself and others about who you are. There's nothing wrong with not being a supersoldier.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 08:04
by apache
Simply gut wrenching. My support and encouragement goes to all those here who have been hurt and damaged by this situation. EA, ( I still support you and your products and wish you success as you move on)

I tend to be naive and give trust until there is a reason not too... LOL I feel gullible as I bought most of the BS he posted.

Live and Learn....... :(

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 08:37
"Wow" has been used alot on this thread but the word is appropriate.
Those of us that just had interaction on the net with Ryan will be hurt to some degree but live and in person interaction has really got to just suck.

Jay and Lisa I am truly sorry for what you had to endure and will do so for some time.

This is a sad day for all of us here on the forum. The "family" word has been used on this thread refering to this forum. All families have the one no one wants to talk about. I am sorry now we have one that was so prominent. But the truth is always best and we will move on.

Thank you all who did the work even though you probably did not like having to do so in getting this info out there. We all here appreciate the work you did.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 08:38
by Zhurdan
Wow! I just bought stuff from him not too long ago. Quite possibly the weirdest thing I've heard on the internet in regards to forums.

Good luck to EA in the financial recovery... and regardless of who he hurt, good luck to MO to get healthy. If indeed he is sick.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 09:40
by p99guy
I'm feeling numb (and dumb) I've thought I knew him for quite a while now...sold him a couple of guns without trouble , and gave him my old bullet proof vest when he said he deperatley needed one for employment at a Nebraska police dept.(and didnt have the money for one) I even met him once a couple of years ago..and did'nt have any reason to doubt what he said. I did'nt have the dealings with him that the rest of the staff did in the last year or so....So I wasnt activly comparing one story to the next. And hadnt spoken to him in a while.
So yes, this hit me like a dirty piss'wet mop right across the face to find out he was such a con man/mental case,
and my trust had been taken for a ride and rolled off a cliff. clean words cannot express what i feel right now.
His actions hurt a whole bunch of people and the forum...and the forums reletions with others.


Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 10:59
by panzermk2
Of all things Ryan has now attacked my children calling them "Special needs children" and that we are neglecting them. While I have nothing against children with special needs attacking mine in such a way shows what a worthless deplorable THING of a human being Ryan has become.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 11:21
by Zhurdan
That does change things a little. I hope Ryan can get some help with whatever issues he may have, but I'd be hard pressed to not go whop 'em up side the head if he was trashing on my kids (if I had any). Just make sure you DON'T in fact go whop'em up side the head. That'll do nothing good for you or your family.

Good luck.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 11:42
by panzermk2wife
The only thing saving Ryan is our 3 children.
And he is too stupid to realize it.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 12:03
by SSBiggun
panzermk2wife wrote:The only thing saving Ryan is our 3 children.
And he is too stupid to realize it.
The only thing saving private Ryan is ? :lmao:
Sorry Lisa I couldnt help it.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 12:04
by panzermk2wife

I'll give you that one

It was funny

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 12:37
by gw45acp

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 13:34
by blueorison
SSBiggun wrote:
panzermk2wife wrote:The only thing saving Ryan is our 3 children.
And he is too stupid to realize it.
The only thing saving private Ryan is ? :lmao:
Sorry Lisa I couldnt help it.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 13:37
One liners are usually the best.

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 13:41
by Mister Freeze
Jay & Lisa, I would not have been so kind. It would have been next to impossible not to use some EA on him.

Am I to infer he gained employment under false pretenses? Between that and the misuse of company funds...

He crossed the line when it came to your kids. With 2 of my own, them's fightin' (and dyin') words!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 17:03
by panzermk2wife
Here is my response to Ryan

You are the one that broke the agreement between the forum and us when you opened your mouth to others with the lies you have been spewing and you absolutely crossed the line talking about OUR children.

Let's take a trip down memory lane Ryan.

These were taken on Thanksgiving 2008
Pictures speak louder than words

I see happy healthy children having fun with Ryan Herle....


Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 17:29
by Vortec MAX
I feel for you guys. I know part of Ryan was a good guy. I am just sorry there was a part that wasn't. It really does break my heart to think about what you guys are going through right now. I hope Ryan can get some help and realize that people will like that good part of him without lying about who he really is. People aren't so superficial that they will think less of someone who doesn't have superior experience and credentials. He obviously knew his stuff about reloading, and we would have all respected him for just that.

What it really boils down to is... people respect someone who is honest, regardless of who he is.


Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 17:59
by Rapier1772
Vortec MAX wrote:People aren't so superficial that they will think less of someone who doesn't have superior experience and credentials. He obviously knew his stuff about reloading, and we would have all respected him for just that.
What it really boils down to is... people respect someone who is honest, regardless of who he is.
Actually, you guys treat me pretty well and I really don't know half what most of you do about reloading or shooting. I've learned much more than I've contributed. May not be 'respected' but I am tolerated :laugh: Thanks!

Re: Ryan Herle aka Medula Oblongata

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 18:19
by panzermk2
It's your rapier wit . :clap: